
Want to be a Member of the

Chilliwack Amateur Radio Club ?


As a member, you will enjoy the privileges of Voting, running for executive positions, and signing out equipment.  Your membership dues help the club keep equipment up to date and operational. The dues help support the Club radio station, Communications Trailer, Microwave links, repeater sites, servers, this web page.  There is thousands of dollars invested in repeater equipment alone that everyone uses.   Even if your a busy person and can’t attend club nights or meetings, your financial support by being a member means a lot!

You might be interested to know that our repeater system has been used to call for medical assistance many times over the years due to lack of cell service!  A very valuable tool to be sure!

When engaging with other members you will find there is a wealth of knowledge in our club.  You might make a few new friends too while your at it!!


RENEWAL of an expired Membership can be done by using the PayPal link on this page, or by sending an Interac eTransfer to the club email,

NEW memberships must contact us by email before paying the membership dues.  ALL new membership applications will be reviewed by the Club Executive. Payments for NEW membership made without prior correspondence will be Cancelled/Refunded.


Please choose from the options below:

     Interac E-Transfer available (preferred)

Send your payment directly to


Send your payment using PayPal.

Membership Rates

Please consider using Interac e-Transfer if you have the option, as this is a “fee-free” alternative to PayPal.

Advancing the art of Amateur Radio communications