2025 Club Executive

For 2025, the Chilliwack Amateur Radio Club executive consists of 4 Executive Officers,  2 Special Directors, 2 Directors at Large, as well as the Past President.  The Annual General Meeting is held on the last Thursday of November each year.

Below are your elected Club Executive for 2025.


Glenn Howard – VA7GEH – President

I received my Basics with Honours license in the summer of 2022, along with my wife.  It didn’t take long for me to dive into the deep end and I completed my Advanced certification in the fall of 2022.  I was quickly welcomed into the Chilliwack ARC and am continuing to learn about new aspects of radio.


Brad Solven VA7BHS – Vice President

Bio & Photo coming soon


Paul Blessin VA7LLB –  Secretary

Paul-1I obtained my basic license in February, 2009 and my advanced license  in July, 2009.  My equipment includes a Yaesu VX-8DR HT, Kenwood TM-D710 mobile, and Kenwood TS-2000 at my QTH. I have the TS-2000 running to a Carolina Windom 160 at 30 meters above the ground.  My QTH is on the side of a mountain at approx 240 meters ASL.  I also have two j-pole antennas connected for 2m and 70cm operation. I participate in APRS activities with all three radios and I am an active member of my local club, the Chilliwack Amateur Radio Club. Other than ham radio, my hobbies include music (percussion) and 4x4ing.


Tanya MacNeish VE7TMM –  Treasurer

BIO & Photo coming soon


Austin Hallett VE7QH –  Technical Director


Glenn Culpepper VE7MXT – Emergency Coordinator

VE7MXTLicensed in 1996.  Advanced license 2005.  I enjoy working on and maintaining repeaters for the Chilliwack ARC.  My home station is equipped for HF, VHF and UHF operation.  D-STAR.  Mobile APRS equipped on two of my vehicles.  My Wife and son are licensed operators as well.


Neil Hawkings VE7NTH  –  Member at Large

I received my Amateur Radio Operator license (Basic w/ Honours) in January 2014. I received my Advanced Qualifications in Jan 2025.

I’ve always had an interest in being able to communicate offroad with other motorcyclists but found GMRS radios to be severely lacking. When an offer came up to take a course in amateur radio I jumped on it. Life got in the way and I didn’t do much with it again until 2023 when I contacted the local Chilliwack Amateur club and started attending their Thursday night get togethers at the club house. I got my second radio (Yaesu FT5D) and am really enjoying learning about all the various aspects of amateur radio.


Randy Kelley VE7RKE  –  Member at Large


Jeff Giesbrecht VE7GIE –  Past President

jeffve7gie2I received my Amateur Radio Operator license (Basic w/ Honours) in January 2013. I received my Advanced Qualifications in Nov 2018.

My interest in Amateur Radio began when I decided I needed better communications while off-roading. My vehicle was equipped with CB, but would barely work farther than I could see, and Cellular is almost non-existent in the mountains and remote valleys,  so I began looking at my options. I found a posting on a local 4×4 website forum that a local club, the Chilliwack Amateur Radio Club (CARC), was putting on a course. I immediately signed up, took the course, and in late January 2013, I got my callsign. I got my first HT radio (Yaesu FT-60) in February and began operating.

After receiving my license and first radio, I began to attend club get-togethers at the CARC. I had no idea what I was in for, as my primary reason to become licensed was simply to operate 2m while mobile/off-roading. Boy did my eyes open to a whole world of exciting possibilities. Many…… Many radios later, I now operate VHF/UHF, APRS, D-Star, DMR and HF.

I am really enjoying the hobby of Amateur Radio, and look forward to expanding my knowledge and capabilities.



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